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  2. Weather System Follow-on Microwave - Wikipedia

    The Weather System Follow-on Microwave (WSF-M) satellite is the United States Department of Defense's next-generation operational environmental satellite system. WSF-M will be a Sun-synchronous low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite with a passive microwave imaging radiometer instrument and hosted furnished Energetic Charged Particle (ECP) sensor.

  3. Joint Polar Satellite System - Wikipedia

    The original satellite orbit concept from the NPOESS program was divided between two sponsor agencies: NOAA was given responsibility for the afternoon orbit, while environmental measurements from morning orbit were to be obtained from the Defense Weather Satellite System (DWSS). DWSS was cancelled in April 2012.

  4. XM501 Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System - Wikipedia

    The Non-Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS) was a self-contained missile launcher system that was under development by NETFIRES LLC, a partnership between Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. Each Container Launch Unit (CLU) holds 15 missiles, and a self-locating networked communications system.

  5. Nanosatellite Launch System - Wikipedia

    The Nanosatellite Launch System (NLS) is a series of satellite launch missions launched 2003–2010, coordinated by the Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) of the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS). NLS has provided low-cost launch services for a number of nanosatellites. [1]

  6. INSAT-1A - Wikipedia

    Built by Ford Aerospace and operated by the Indian National Satellite System, [3] INSAT-1A was based upon a custom satellite bus developed for the INSAT-1 series. It had a mass at launch of 1,152 kilograms (2,540 lb), and was expected to operate for 7 years.

  7. Project Echo - Wikipedia

    Project Echo was the first passive communications satellite experiment. Each of the two American spacecraft, launched in 1960 and 1964, were metalized balloon satellites acting as passive reflectors of microwave signals.

  8. Vertical launching system - Wikipedia

    A RIM-156A missile launching from a VLS cell on USS Lake Erie in 2008. US Navy Mark 41 Tomahawk hot launch. A vertical launch system can be either hot launch, where the missile ignites in the cell, or cold launch, where the missile is expelled by gas produced by a gas generator which is not part of the missile itself, and then the missile ignites.

  9. CAPSTONE - Wikipedia

    CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment) is a lunar orbiter that is testing and verifying the calculated orbital stability planned for the Lunar Gateway space station.