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Get The Most Out Of Your Doctor Conversations

Questions To Ask Your Doctor

Asking your doctor questions is vital to getting the information you need to make informed decisions. If you’re considering IBRANCE®, help get the most out of your next conversation with your healthcare team with these questions:

Tips For Your Appointment

If you hear words you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor to use simple words or provide clarification to help you better understand your treatment. Consider bringing a notepad with you so you can write down what you hear.

Also, try to bring a loved one with you to your appointments. In addition to providing emotional support, this person can help you remember important information.

How Ibrance (palbociclib) works body diagram


Watch a video that shows how IBRANCE treatment works.

Learn More

The Physician's Perspective

Watch videos of 2 breast cancer specialists providing information for patients in select groups.

Dr. Gregory Vidal



Dr. Vidal discusses topics that are important to Black women with metastatic breast cancer, as well as women of other ethnicities.



Dr. Vidal sits with a patient and answers questions he hears from many of his Black patients.

Dr. Claudia Tellez—en Español



Dr. Tellez presents a Latina perspective on what to know when you or someone close to you receives a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer.



A Latina patient meets with Dr. Tellez to ask questions and discuss her concerns, some of which are unique to the patient's family life.

Doctor Discussion Guides

Guide to help start a conversation with your doctor when considering Ibrance (palbociclib)

Considering IBRANCE?

Are you considering IBRANCE? Use this guide to help start a conversation with your doctor.

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Guide with tips for talking to your doctor about treatment

Guide with tips for talking to your doctor about treatment


Already on IBRANCE? Find tips for talking to your doctor about your treatment with this guide.

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Ibrance (palbociclib) Ambassador Patti smiling

My doctor told me this diagnosis doesn’t have to define me. Those simple words have helped me many times to realize I am still the same person.”

Norma, Ambassador

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