Remove unwanted objects from photos

Transform your images by erasing unwanted distractions. From photobombers to random objects, let Facetune’s Vanish handle them all.

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Remove Objects

Remove unwanted visitors

Whether it’s a tourist, a photobombing ex, or just an extra passerby in the frame, don't let them spoil your perfect shot.

Removing object from picture before and after
Removing people from photo before and after

Erase unwanted objects

Capture the moment, not the clutter. From street signs to stray hands - Vanish them all with just a few taps.

Eliminate texts and elements

Remove distracting text from your perfect shot. Erase logos, watermarks, and more without the fuss.

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Removing text from image before and after

Facetune - Quick & easy tools that elevate any photo



Try on fun new looks

Experiment with a blowout or new highlights with Hairstyles, change your outfit's vibe in seconds, or play with presets for one-tap total looks.

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Touch up anything

Play with digital makeup, from smudge-free lip shades to eyeliners. Remove blemishes with a tap, brighten that smile in a swipe, and let the Enhance tool dial bring your natural glow instantly.

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AI Fun


Play with AI magic

Transform your aesthetic instantly with our AI Selfie generator or craft a realistic avatar based on your selfie or even your pets!

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Join everyone, literally everyone


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Make every photo your best one yet

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