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Fully Managed IT

What We Offer

IT Designed for Businesses at Every Level

Fully Managed IT

All the Support You Need. One
Simple Price.

Streamline operations. Stabilize your network. Secure your data. For a predictable monthly fee, we’ll do it all – so you can minimize risk, reduce stress, and focus on your business instead of your technology.

Comprehensive Coverage for All Your IT Needs:

  • Unlimited Support. Period.
  • 24/7/365 Network Management
  • Enterprise-Style Helpdesk and Ticketing
  • Transparent Network Documentation
  • Vendor Liaison Assistance
  • Network & Endpoint Security
  • Virtual CIO Services
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery

Boost Productivity and Profitability – with IT that Supports Your Business Goals.

Do More, Faster
Do More, Faster

Streamline operations in every area of your business.

Keep Costs Predictable
Keep Costs Predictable

Pay the same fee, once a month, all year long.

Know You’re Secure
Know You’re Secure

Rest easy with the knowledge that your data, network, and users are protected.



For All Your Outstanding IT. In Every Sense of The World

Our experts take care of anything your IT team can’t cover, from day-to-day maintenance to special projects. We bring decades of experience and multi-solution expertise to wherever you need us most.

We Support Your IT Team, So They Can Support Your Business.

  • IT Helpdesk
  • Daily IT Maintenance
  • Project Management
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Branch Office Coverage

Keep Your Technology – and Your Business – Running Smoothly.

Eliminate Downtime
Eliminate Downtime

With more eyes on your network, you’ll be less likely to encounter problems at HQ or your branch offices.

Add Skill Sets
Add Skill Sets

Our expertise is only a call away so your team has instant access to a wealth of knowledge around a variety of solutions.

Lower Costs
Lower Costs

Direct your inhouse crew to the tasks that matter most. When a need arises, our services are always budget-friendly.

Remote Helpdesk


Expert, Friendly Support. Fast. We respond to all queries within 10 minutes.

Our skilled technicians are on call via phone, email, and chat to get questions answered and problems solved – at a price that’s budget-friendly for business of all sizes.

Convenient, Budget-Friendly, and Lightning-Fast.

  • 24/7 Support
  • Rapid-Response Support
  • Multi-Channel Support
  • Onsite When You Need Us

Offload the Help Requests – and Focus on Your Core Business.

Reduce Repeat Issues
Reduce Repeat Issues

We’ll resolve complex issues – and prevent repeats – for a wide range of solutions.

Boost Productivity
Boost Productivity

Our on-call team can resolve issues fast, so you can get back to work ASAP.

Lower Costs
Lower Costs

Keep your IT department lean, and streamline your business operations.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Get a Complete IT Security Strategy Protect your network, computers, devices, and data.

With today’s non-stop threats, cybersecurity is more important than ever. We use the best-in-class services to build a custom strategy for your business, including cybersecurity, mobile protection, and cloud backup and recovery.

All the Cybersecurity Services Your Business Needs

  • Endpoint Protection
  • Firewall & Network Management
  • Patch Management
  • Industry Compliance
  • Dark Web Monitoring

Keep Your Technology – and Your Business – Running Smoothly.

Do More, Faster
Do More, Faster

Streamline operations in every area of your business.

Keep Costs Predictable
Keep Costs Predictable

Pay the same fee, once a month, all year long.

Know You’re Secure
Know You’re Secure

Rest easy with the knowledge that your data, network, and users are protected.

Why Choose Us?

Intelligent IT strategy for your business, delivered by humans you can trust.

Years of Experience
Years of Experience

We hire only skilled, seasoned technicians, so things are fixed correctly the first time.

Friendly, Skilled Technicians
Friendly, Skilled Technicians

We make a point to make a human connection, speaking in language you understand and delivering service with a smile.

Best-in-Class Security
Best-in-Class Security

We build a comprehensive strategy for your unique business, including cybersecurity, mobile protection, and cloud backup and recovery.

People First Technology Second
People First Technology Second

We service your technology, sure but we serve your people. Our goal is to make you and your employees happier.

Vendor Neutrality
Vendor Neutrality

We recommend the best solution for your business, no matter who makes it or sells it. That’s because we’re loyal to you, not to IT vendors.

Money-Back Guarantee
Money-Back Guarantee

Not happy with our services? Then neither are we. We want you to pay only what you think is fair for the benefits you receive.

No Long-Term Commitments
No Long-Term Commitments

We want to earn your business again and again – so we don’t lock you into anything you’re not sure about. Most of our services are month-to-month.

Honest, Fair Pricing
Honest, Fair Pricing

We believe in long-term relationships based on trust – so we provide fair and honest pricing on all our services and products.

About background image

About Us

OneClick Solutions Group delivers the highest possible standard of high-touch
IT management, enabling businesses to operate more efficiently, productively, and profitably.

World-class IT with a refreshingly human approach.

We specialize in high-touch, uniquely personable IT services for small and medium-sized businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area. Every member of our team has a higher level of experience and expertise than you’ll find almost anywhere else. And we make a point of being honest, friendly, and clear. Even when dealing with very technical topics, we speak in a language you can understand. Our goal is to be helpful in every aspect of managing and growing your business.

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About Us

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Testimonials background image

What Our Clients Say

Serving our clients well means everything to us.

Since we began working with OneClick Solutions Group in 2015, we’ve experienced significant improvements in IT expertise and service.

Mike Simons

Mike Simons

Executive Vice President
Pacific Eagle Holdings

We hired OneClick to resolve an email disruption at our company.  They quickly diagnosed the issue and got our email back on track. They've been...

Scott Jacobs

Scott Jacobs

Co-founder and CEO
Generate Capital

OneClick has greatly improved our IT functions. Their response times are impressive and IT issues are always resolved in an expedient manner.

Alicia B. Levy

Alicia B. Levy

Chief Business Officer
Tempest Therapeutics

Fort Point Capital has tripled in size over the last 6 years, and OneClick has been there every step of the way. Our business couldn’t function without...

Jeffrey D. Wycoff

Jeffrey D. Wycoff

Managing Partner
Fort Point Capital Partners LLC

Mark and his team at One Click are great and we’re so happy we have their support. One of their strengths, aside from technical expertise, is communication.

Daphne Lam

Daphne Lam

HR Generalist/Office Manager

OneClick has been our partner for Managed IT Services for 10 years. They ensure our network and computers function without disruptions and...

Alex Wellins

Alex Wellins

Co-Founder and Managing Director
The Blueshirt Group

OneClick Solutions Group is very professional and have a highly skilled team. They always respond immediately to support requests, provide solutions...

Stacey Olson

Stacey Olson

Director of Finance

Since we’ve partnered with OneClick our network, computers, and other technology have been running better than ever. OneClick is always ...

Ken Baker

Ken Baker

Founder & CEO
Metric Theory