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Researching degrees can be a confusing and exhausting process. We’re here to make it easy for you. Search & compare substance abuse counseling degree programs that you qualify to enroll in right now. Find a few that interest you the most and request application info directly from each school in minutes. Start your path to a degree by clicking Find Schools now.


Through 2029, there are expected to be 79,000 available jobs for substance abuse counselors. The drug epidemic has greatly increased the need for skilled and qualified workers to help people dealing with addiction related issues.


Median salary is $49,950 as of 2019, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The top 10% of substance abuse counselors earn more than $76,000. Salaries will vary depending on your degree, experience, location, and other factors.


Most positions require at least a bachelor’s degree, but there are some jobs that only require a high school diploma and certification. However, the best way to secure a future in substance abuse counseling is to earn your master’s degree.


Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll connect you with schools that offer substance abuse counseling degree programs.