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VA Disability Benefits for Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes affects a higher percentage of United States military veterans compared to the country's general population. While many factors can lead to type 2 diabetes in veterans, Agent Orange exposure and obesity tend to be the most influential factors.

Veterans can receive a VA disability rating for their condition if their diabetes is determined to be connected to their service.

How the VA Rates Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (Type II Diabetes)

● 10% Rating: The veteran does not need medication.
● 20% Rating: The veteran requires medication.
● 40% Rating: The veteran receives regulated daily activity and medication.
● 60% Rating: Same as 40% + increased visits to the hospital are required.
● 100% Rating: Max rating for the most severely disabled with symptoms such as ketoacidosis or hypoglycemic reactions.

The VA diabetes rating can vary significantly between veterans. Some veterans may only experience mild symptoms with an earlier diagnosis, while others could have more severe symptoms and complications, like kidney disease or diabetic retinopathy. The VA considers each veteran on a case-by-case basis to provide a fair VA diabetes rating for diabetes mellitus.

To get VA disability benefits for diabetes, a veteran typically needs to prove that their diabetes is service-connected. That means that it either occurred or was made worse from the veteran's time in the service. In some cases, a secondary service connection can also lead to VA compensation. Once the VA determines a service connection, it will assign a VA disability rating to the veteran that influences their compensation and benefits.

Secondary Conditions Caused by Diabetes

Secondary conditions caused by diabetes may affect a veteran's VA disability claim, rating, and compensation. Secondary diabetes conditions include:

● High blood pressure
● Kidney dysfunction or failure
● Peripheral neuropathy
● Erectile dysfunction
● Coronary artery disease or other heart conditions
● Foot problems
● Diabetes treatment with medication that exacerbates other issues

If you have any of these secondary conditions and can provide medical evidence for them, you may be able to increase your VA diabetes rating with a rating increase claim. Filing this type of VA claim triggers an extra review by the VA and an additional diagnostic code to add to your current claim and rating. If your rating increases, your compensation could, too.

A VA diabetes rating falls between 10% and 100%, depending on how severe the VA considers a veteran's symptoms and current treatment plan. The rating you are given today for a claim could increase in the future if you begin experiencing more consistent symptoms or need to change your treatment plan. Secondary conditions relating to diabetes could boost your VA diabetes rating and disability compensation.

Connect with a medical professional today to discuss your situation and condition. We’ll help determine the best avenue for getting the disability rating and compensation you deserve for service-connected diabetes.

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Get The Most Accurate Veteran Disability Rating That Your Diabetes Related Conditions Warrant

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