healthcare CRM

Leverage AI-Guided Call Support To Elevate Care Quality, Productivity, & Revenue 

Dysfunctional patient access systems lead to a 30% loss of patients.

68% of patients are dissatisfied with service inefficiencies, according to Medscape. And 55% of patients will leave a practice after a single bad telephone experience.

Call center staff are equally unhappy—80% feel overwhelmed by their workloads—and many of these employees quit.

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But I’ve got good news:

There’s a new way to improve service quality and productivity.

Instead of losing patients to competitors because of overwhelmed staff, errors, and inefficiencies... imagine a transformation.

Picture your staff not suffocating under the weight of high call volumes. Imagine them confidently and crisply resolving call after call, executing their tasks with speed and precision.

Starting today you can elevate your patient journeys, alleviate staff workloads, and lessen the burden on your team. Which means a healthier work environment, a more engaged team, reduced call volume via self-service, and a stellar first-call resolution rate.

healthcare call center

The Cure For Sluggish Staff And Patient Leakage

I’m Stephen Dean. For over 20 years, my professional life has been dedicated to solving the biggest problems facing healthcare call centers. I’ve helped patient access leaders improve their systems; achieve the dream of excellent care and service; and foster dynamic teams.

Today I’d like to share a concise and to-the-point blueprint for struggling healthcare organizations.

One that...

healthcare call center

Helps You Streamline Your Operational Efficiency and Boost Patient Satisfaction Levels

About as easy as humanly possible, too.

You see, I recently analyzed hundreds of my case studies.

I studied what took them to success faster than the rest.

The result surprised me—and here's why:

The key lay not just in addressing the issue at hand but reforming the factors feeding into it. An innovative approach to patient access and a reformation of healthcare call center operations were the real game-changers.

And I put all of that into a simple by-the-numbers software system that offers:

healthcare CRM
Centralized Workflow Management

Our platform consolidates all of your tasks, clinical protocols, and data into a single, intuitive dashboard that guides your phone staff in real-time.

So rather than juggling between multiple screens, notebooks, and tools…

…your staffers enjoy seamless and centralized workflows that minimize errors and boost efficiency.

healthcare CRM
Self-Service Options

CareDesk empowers your patients with the flexibility of self-scheduling and other tools. They can book their own appointments online, refill prescriptions, and communicate with their caregiver at their convenience.

So instead of getting swamped by incessant calls and inquiries which strain your personnel and infrastructure… slash call volume by 30% and foster a relaxed workplace humming with smooth patient management... and that means more time and energy to provide better care.

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Unified Record of Interactions

CareDesk tracks every patient interaction, ensuring you have a complete picture of your patients’ journeys.

So rather than trawling through disorganized records and missing crucial patient information…

…you get to deliver personalized, timely care that ensures no problem is overlooked.

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Clinically Formulated AI

A perfect blend of AI technology and clinical expertise, CareDesk leverages protocols for 100+ call types so your staff can swiftly resolve any patient inquiry or appointment.

Forget errors and miscommunications…

Turn over a new leaf of sophisticated AI patient assistance, which not only liberates your staff from stress but also ensures accurate and personalized patient engagement.

See CareDesk in action