Parkinson’s Symptoms: 13 Early Warning Signs and Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson disease is a progressive alteration of the brain tissue that typically affects an area in the brain called substancia nigra. This is a key area to perform and coordinate movements, and Parkinson patients have an abnormal accumulation of proteins in deposits called Lewy bodies. These abnormal deposits start creating alterations in the neuronal impulse and give rise to many alterations, especially in the musculoskeletal system.

It is known that many people have Lewy bodies in their brains without experiencing Parkinson symptoms. However, when 60% of dopaminergic neurons are affected by these deposits, patients start experiencing Parkinson symptoms. However, if you catch the disease in its early phase, it is possible to provide an effective treatment that significantly reduces your chance of complications. These are the most important signs and symptoms to detect this disease:

1-Shaking and tremors

Shaking and tremors

It is usually the first alteration, but it usually remains undetected for a while because in the early stage, it is very mild. Tremors are involuntary contractions of the muscles, usually in the extremities, that result in shaking, especially when trying to do a fine or precise movement. In many cases, tremors are found in one extremity but not in the other, which is why it is called asymmetric resting tremor. This symptom is intermittent and becomes more severe as the disease progresses. Thus, it might not be the first sign to rely upon if we want an early diagnose of Parkinson’s disease.