
Secure email that protects your privacy

Keep your conversations private. Proton Mail is an encrypted email service based in Switzerland.

Need email for work? Discover Proton’s secure business email

  • Up to Mail storage
  • users
  • email addresses

Premium value included

    • storage
    • users
    • email addresses
    • Support for custom email domains
    • Unlimited folders, labels and filters

    Premium value included

    • Mail
    • Calendar
    • storage
    • users
    • email addresses
    • Support for custom email domains
    • Unlimited folders, labels and filters

    Premium value included

    • Mail
    • Calendar
    • VPN
    • Drive
    • Pass
    • storage
    • Up to users
    • email addresses
    • Support for custom email domains
    • Unlimited folders, labels and filters

    Premium value included

    • Mail
    • Calendar
    • VPN
    • Drive
    • Pass
    End-to-end encryption keeps your emails safe from data breaches and unauthorized access.

    End-to-end encryption

    Proton uses open source, independently audited end-to-end encryption and zero-access encryption to secure your emails. This protects against data breaches and ensures no one (not even Proton) can access your inbox. Only you can read your messages.

    Images of the proton Mail menu bar and message composer in dark mode.


    Our simple, user-friendly design makes it easier to read, organize, and write emails. And our email means everyone can control what happens to their data.

    An inbox only you can read

    Our zero-access encryption technology prevents anyone, including us or any hackers, from reading your emails stored on our servers.

    Your data, your rules

    Proton Mail is an email that respects privacy and puts people (not advertisers) first. Your data belongs to you, and our encryption ensures that.

    Swiss privacy

    Proton is incorporated and headquartered in Switzerland. This means all your data is protected by strict Swiss privacy laws and Swiss neutrality. 

    Proton Mail is trusted by tens of millions of people worldwide to keep their communications private.

    Choose an email that is secure and private by default.

    Images of the Proton Mail inbox and message composer on our Android app.

    Easily transfer your emails, contacts, and folders to Proton Mail

    Easy Switch lets you move existing emails, contacts, and calendars from any provider with one click.

    Learn more

    An easy alternative

    Proton is a simple move toward a better internet where privacy is the default, offering an all-in-one solution that includes encrypted email, calendar, contacts, file storage, and a VPN.


    Your schedule is a record of your life. Keep it private with our easy-to-use calendar.


    Securely access and share your files from all devices, from anywhere in the world.


    Keep your internet activity private and secure, and access censored content with our high-speed VPN.