
Google Slides

Google LLC

4.0Version Varies with device

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Google LLC

Google Slides is a cloud-based, presentation application that is part of Google's software office suite within its Google Drive service. With Google Slides, users can create, edit, collaborate, and present wherever they are, for free. Google Slides is especially known for enabling collaborative work on presentations.

Creating and Editing Presentations

Google Slides offers a comprehensive set of tools for creating effective presentations. Users can add text, images, shapes, and videos, and choose from a variety of themes and fonts to enhance the appearance of their presentations. Slides can be customized with unique transitions and animations to add a touch of professionalism or creativity.

Collaboration and Sharing

One of the key strengths of Google Slides is its collaborative features. Multiple users can work on a presentation at the same time, allowing for real-time collaboration. Changes are saved and synced automatically, so everyone always has the latest version. Users can also share presentations, controlling whether others can view, comment on, or edit the slides.

Access Anywhere, Anytime

As a cloud-based application, Google Slides can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Whether you're working on a desktop at the office, a laptop at home, or a mobile device on-the-go, your presentations are always available. You can even present directly from the app, making it a perfect solution for those last-minute revisions or on-the-spot presentations.

Integration with Google Workspace

Google Slides is integrated with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), meaning it works seamlessly with other Google applications like Google Docs and Google Sheets. You can easily insert data from Sheets into Slides, or collaboratively edit a document in Docs while discussing it in a Slides presentation. This interconnectedness increases productivity and fosters better collaboration.


Google Slides supports importing, exporting, and syncing with other presentation applications like Microsoft PowerPoint. This allows users to open and edit PowerPoint files in Slides and save their work in PowerPoint format if needed. It also means that moving from another presentation software to Google Slides is more convenient.

Google Slides is a versatile tool for creating, sharing, and presenting. It offers a wealth of features for building professional presentations and is particularly useful for collaborative work. With Google Slides, presentations can be made accessible and editable to team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page, regardless of where they are. Whether for business, education, or personal use, Google Slides provides a platform for conveying ideas effectively and engagingly.




22960 reviews


  • The app includes a lot of free templates to use.
  • Slides can be created and opened in all devices.
  • Allows real time collaboration between users.
  • The app is completely free.


  • Users need internet connection to read and edit slides.
  • A Google account is needed to use this app.
  • The app doesn’t include many advances features.

Google Slides

Google LLC



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