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80+% Of Our Clients’ Disability Claims Were Awarded – Secure Your Benefits Now

There’s a reason Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo is a top-rated* Social Security Disability & Workers’ Compensation law firm: we’ve been winning cases for the disabled and injured for 80+ years.

Denied benefits? Don’t worry! By choosing our experienced team, you increase your chances of securing benefits by up to 130% vs. other competing law firms. 

We’re ready to pursue maximum benefits for you at no upfront cost.

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Why Choose KK&O For Your Case?


Proven Track Record

Over the years, we’ve earned dozens of positive reviews from the individuals and families we’ve helped. We pride ourselves on compassionate and honest, yet firm legal representation.


No Fees Unless We Win

Our firm never charges any upfront fees. We handle all cases on a contingency fee basis, which means, you don’t pay a thing unless we win or settle your case.


80+ Years of Experience

We have more than 80 years’ experience helping the disabled with nationwide Social Security Disability claims.

KKO Lawyers

We Offer What No Other Firm Can

  • Our managing partner is a former judge, and he’ll review your case for free
  • Unfortunately, only 35% of initial disability claims are accepted. Our attorneys secure benefits for 80% of the initial claims for our clients.
  • Our team of attorneys serve the disabled across the entire United States.
  • We have the most 5-star reviews* of any Pennsylvania Social Security Disability & Workers’ Compensation firm

We Win For All of the United States’ Disabled

Over the last 80 years, we've won over 300,000 cases for the injured and disabled across the entire United States. We've represented clients in every industry across every state - no matter where you work or where you live, we’ll help you collect medical records, work history, and other documentation to secure your benefits.

Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo Client

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