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Discover weekends away with all your people, including your four-legged friends.

Weekend getaways are made perfect with the ideal rental property

If you want to take your weekend getaways to the next level of excitement and lifelong memories, the ideal rental house, cottage or chalet is waiting. You can find plenty of options for inexpensive breaks from cities with vibrant nightlife to romantic candlelit dinners, visit museums full of art, architecture and centuries of history, ride theme-park thrill rides or just relax on the beach. It's all a simple search away.

Weekend getaways are the ideal way to relax, recharge and escape

Our world is more fast-paced and energetic than ever, and when you need to escape from constant pressures and on-the-go living, weekend trips can be the solution you need. In our society, long travels aren't always in the cards when you're always connected, always working and needing to get things done. For those people who want comfortable lodgings that allow for getting away from the world for a few days to forget about life, de-stress and recharge, weekend getaways are just what the doctor ordered.

Weekend getaways come in every shape and size to fill just about any need. You can head for an iconic theme park for a few days of thrill rides, games and live entertainment. You can travel to a city for the vibrant nightlife and a weekend party that doesn't end. You can hit a beach to just lay out in the sun for two days. You can pursue romantic weekend getaways for couples where you and your beloved can sink into a hot tub with wine and enjoy each other's company. Whatever your needs, many weekend trips can fit the bill.

Find cheap weekend trips to restore your energy

One of the best things about weekend getaways is that they are often much more affordable than long trips. They allow you to find comfortable lodgings that enable you to get your batteries going without breaking the bank. Our world is more budget-conscious than ever before, and cheap weekend getaways let you go almost anywhere you want for virtually any experience you dream of having while saving money. These trips are a cost-conscious way to relax, rest and have new experiences. Head out for an adventure, and keep your finances intact at the same time.

You can head out on your inexpensive weekend trips in apartments, cottages, bungalows, hotels, chalets and even whole houses across Canada. You can see places as far and wide as Toronto, Saskatchewan, Quebec, British Columbia and everywhere in between. Catch historic sites, indigenous points of interest, museums with ancient artifacts and vibrant, thrilling nightlife wherever you go. Canada has a diverse, rich culture, and you can see it all a couple of days at a time.

Explore options for romantic weekend getaways for couples

It can be hard in our fast-paced world for couples to steal away time for each other to reconnect. Still, romantic weekend getaways for couples can offer just what you need. Rent a chalet in a ski lodge and hit the slopes in the daytime, grab dinner and a massage at a spa in the evenings, then relax in the hot tub or by the fireplace with cocoa or your favourite wine at night. Do it all again the next day, then head home with a new sense of why you fell in love, to begin with.

You can grab a cabin by the lake to explore nature together, head for the beach to catch some rays and play in the surf or choose any number of romantic weekend getaways to suit your need to reconnect. For many couples, the right weekend trips can substitute for a honeymoon or an ideal anniversary escape. You have to search for the location and lodging type you need and book it. Then you're off on your way to adventure and fun, just the two of you.

Weekend trips can be a ticket to fun, adventure and memories

If you're looking for a quick family getaway, weekend trips can deliver the kinds of memories your children will talk about for their entire lives. You can see iconic parks for outdoor adventures, hiking and back-to-nature experiences. You can ride roller coasters at amusement parks. The kids will thrill to the hands-on exhibits at local children's museums and science museums, where they will learn while they play and awaken an interest in technology and the natural world.

You can also go shopping, dining, take in movies and see live shows. The options to entertain kids on weekend getaways are near endless. All you have to do is perform a quick search and find the right house, apartment, condo, villa or cottage rental that suits your family size and needs, and get out of town for a couple of days.