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Maven Collective Marketing is the multi-award-winning agency for Microsoft Partners, with 17+ years of experience in the Microsoft channel working with 500+ Microsoft Partners. Watch this free on-demand webinar to garner invaluable AppSource insights from our CEO, Erica Hakonson.

The Marketing Partner for Microsoft Partners


Product Operations Manager, Big Cloud Consultants

Matt Jacobson


Your listing is competing with thousands of others, causing your listing to fade into the sea of sameness.

You're Swimming in Competition

Are you finding it difficult to compete with the thousands of listings currently on Microsoft AppSource?

On-Demand Microsoft AppSource Listing Webinar

Watch the On-Demand Webinar

Create an Attention-Grabbing Listing

Craft a Compelling Offer

Broaden Your Audience Reach

Design Picture Perfect Listings

Demonstrate Authority

Showcase Thought Leadership

Successfully persuade your target audience to engage.

Tailor your offerings to directly address customers' needs.

Ensure your listings are being shown to your target audience.

Boost your listings appeal with promotional assets.

Convey your authority and trustworthiness in your industry.

Share your credibility and unique knowledge.


7 Expert Microsoft AppSource Listing Practices

Watch the on-demand webinar hosted by Erica Hakonson, CEO of Maven Collective Marketing, the multi-award-winning marketing agency exclusively for Microsoft Partners.


By implementing our 7 expert practices, you will benefit from:

Improved Customer Discovery

Increased Engagement

Enhanced Clarity

Succinctly explain your value proposition.

Improve discoverability by better aligning with customer searches.

Create a more engaging experience to convert viewers into buyers.

Optimize for Maximum Impact

Watch our free-on demand webinar for tips on how to:

"The presentation was thoughtful and well-executed, with a clear emphasis on being informative and engaging, which greatly enhanced my learning experience."

Online B2B marketplaces continue to be the fastest growing sales channels currently, experiencing 100% YoY growth. 

At any given time, your listing is competing with thousands of others, causing your listing to fade into the sea of sameness and making you miss out on opportunities. So how do you stand out?

Matt Jacobson

Product Operations Manager