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With that many, it’ll be easy to find your perfect tutor. But don’t take our words for it, see for yourself.

Lynn P., a Wyzant Marketing Tutor
Lynn P.
5.0 (19)
Hi, my name is Lynn! I am a Business Communications Instructor at the College of Southern Idaho. I also run numerous social media accounts. In addition, I have been contracted as a travel and...
Robert P., a Wyzant Marketing Tutor
Robert P.
5.0 (235)
I have an MBA with a marketing concentration, and during my career, I’ve marketed advertising design services, magazines, and new-media websites. As a publisher and...
Kiiza G., a Wyzant Marketing Tutor
Kiiza G.
5.0 (5)
As a B.A. in Business Administration specializing in Management Information Systems and a B.S in Economic Sciences, I have a strong understanding of business management, marketing, and...

Online lessons. Real–world results.

Get real results without ever leaving the house.

Wyzant Online Tutoring Tools A shared whiteboard lets you draw, graph functions, write complex equations and share files.
Wyzant 1–on–1 online tutoring Audio and video so clear, it’ll feel like you’re in the same room.
Wyzant online coding tools for tutors Work in a variety of programming languages with the code editor.

Meet with the expert of your choice, anywhere in the country, online or in-person

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Only pay for the time you need. No subscriptions, no upfront payments. Just affordable results.

How much for tutoring

Marketing Tutors Cost $35 - 65 per hour on average

What’s a fair price for a private Marketing tutor? Marketing tutors using Wyzant are professional subject experts who set their own price based on their demand and skill.

$25 $100

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