Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) 

AFMCP functional medicine online CME course

At AFMCP, expert educators provide case-based, interactive presentations using real-world situations to model the use of a suite of new clinical tools. These tools help clinicians make more personalized assessments, design appropriate treatments to address each patient’s unique combination of history, genetics, and lifestyle, and guide patients through the sometimes difficult process of making sustainable lifestyle changes that lead to better outcomes. Integrating the simple strategies of modifiable lifestyle factors in a healthcare plan can help patients feel more empowered to take charge of their own health, thereby increasing overall health and well-being. 

AFMCP Fall 2024

Coming soon...


+ Course Testimonials

+ Elimination Diet Challenge
+ What You Will Learn 
+ CME Information

+ Most Common Questions About AFMCP

Learn New Tools for Treating Common Conditions

Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) integrates the latest medical research with a model of care that accounts for each patient’s individual history, unique genetic makeup, and environmental and lifestyle factors. Many chronic diseases occur when fundamental lifestyle factors like diet, movement, rest, and/or sleep are lacking or mismatch with a patient’s genetic makeup. AFMCP shows clinicians how to design effective, personalized treatments for every patient.

A mutually empowering patient-practitioner relationship is a key element of the functional medicine model.
the state of healthcare and chronic disease infographic

Click the image to zoom

Insights and Research Discussed at AFMCP

Close up of a women holding a basket full of vegetables as she applies functional medicine and nutrition into practice
Improving Access to Functional Medicine Care

Delivering cost-effective collaborative care with tools such as group visits helps support health in underserved communities.

Closeup of a clock as a women dances ballet and uses functional medicine to improve her circadian rhythm in the background
Chronobiology & Circadian Medicine

The consideration of an individual’s regulatory clock genes and “chronotype” may help create a more personalized treatment.

Woman functional medicine doctor checking the ears of a male patient for hearing loss
Hearing Loss: Risk Factor for Dementia?

Hearing loss is a common condition affecting adults as they age. What is the connection between hearing loss and cognitive health?

Top view of a colorful and nutritious falafel salad, showing that nutrition as a functional medicine intervention
Connections Between Leaky Gut and Arthritis

Research suggests that gut dysbiosis may contribute to the pathology of some rheumatic diseases.

Close up of two people preparing fresh food as they apply nutrigenomics and functional medicine into practice
Nutrigenomics: Personalizing Diets

A person’s gene-nutrient interactions as well as variations of gut microbiome composition are informing new dietary therapies.

Man balancing in a yoga pose on a rock overlooking the ocean and using the polyvagal theory to help his PTSD
Understanding PTSD with Polyvagal Theory

Research on polyvagal theory and the autonomic nervous system is expanding care options for trauma & mental health concerns.


Attendee Testimonials

AFMCP provides so much useful information and tools regarding functional medicine and is led by practitioners with such an enormous wealth of knowledge. The online course is great and allows you to work at your own pace when your personal life schedule permits. I 100% enjoyed this course and would recommend it to any practitioner who is interested in true patient healing. I am looking forward to studying and utilizing all of the wonderful handouts in the toolkit. Thank you IFM for such an amazing course led by the best of the best.

AFMCP Online Attendee


Functional Medicine for All Scholarship

IFM is committed to ensuring access to functional medicine for all, and that begins with providing more opportunities for our practitioners and clinicians. Learn more about the Functional Medicine for All Scholarship & sign up to be notified about additional opportunities >

Learn About Our AFMCP Educators


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