Overworked Liver




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5 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Overworked (WATCH)

5 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Overworked (WATCH)

Around 100 million Americans have an overworked liver and many don’t know it. Most of us struggle with an overworked liver at some point in our lives. The scary part? The signs and symptoms can be generic - stuff easily associated with other conditions. Here are 5 warning signs that you might have an overworked liver.

1. Swelling in Your Legs and Ankles

When your liver is damaged and not working properly, it’s common for your body to retain fluid. One area where fluid retention often occurs is in your legs and ankles.

2. Chronic Fatigue

This is a tricky one. Chronic fatigue and tiredness can be linked to so many different health conditions. But this is definitely common with an overworked liver. Your liver is responsible for processing food for energy. It also removes toxins from your body. When it can’t perform these functions correctly, you’re more likely to feel tired.

3. Abdominal Pain

Your liver is located in your upper abdomen. The largest part of the liver is housed in the upper right side of your abdomen. If your liver becomes inflamed due to damage, this can cause upper abdominal pain.

4. Unexplained Joint Pain

This one surprises people. But an overworked or damaged liver is often linked to joint pain. This is especially true in cases of autoimmune hepatitis.

5. Confusion or Memory Problems

When your liver isn’t performing at its best, certain harmful toxins can build up in your body. This can lead to confusion and memory problems that may contribute to noticeable “brain fog”.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, we recommend talking to your doctor right away.

And if you’re interested in a simple, natural method for rejuvenating your liver from home - watch this short video.