Email Signature Generator

Create an HTML Email Signature with Clickable Images and Text Links Through Artlogo

Unlock the potential of your email communications with our cutting-edge email signature maker. Elevate your emails to new heights by utilizing a professionally designed signature that showcases your brand identity. With a unique email signature template, you can turn every email into a marketing opportunity, leaving a lasting impression on recipients and reinforcing your professionalism.

Fully Customizable Email Signature Generator

Control and edit signature designs easily! Choose the right layout, font size, colors, images, shapes, and more with our easy-to-use email signature designer.

Beautiful Email Signature Templates for Every Need

Try an email signature made by a professional. These are suitable for any profession and industry.

Secure Integration with One Click for Your Gmail Signature

The Artlogo EmailSign email signature editor integrates signatures in Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and other email apps easily. Don't worry about safety - it's virus-free, and it doesn't have access to your data or installed add-ons.

Our Online Email Signature Generator Creates Email Signatures That Look Great in:

Create and Manage Your Professional Email Signature for All Email Providers

Take your email signature to the next level with our innovative email signature maker, designed to enhance your HTML email signature with advanced features. By turning your emails into a powerful marketing tool, you can make a lasting impact on recipients, whether you're an individual entrepreneur or part of a larger organization. Our email signature maker empowers you to create a professional and engaging signature that showcases your brand and maximizes the marketing potential of your email communications

It Works Great For Individuals and Organizations

It's a great fit for CEOs, business owners, real estate agents, sales, financial consultants, marketers, and organizations.

Add Advanced Features Based on Your Own Business and Goals

Boost your business by adding rich content like a button, banner, video, disclaimer, scheduler, and more.

Boost Your Brand with an Artlogo Signature

Stay at the forefront of your client's mind. Boost your brand awareness with an Artlogo Signature.

Create Email Signatures to Generate Email Marketing Performance That Will Impress Any Marketing Director

Don't underestimate the impact of a well-crafted email signature on your personal brand and marketing success. With our state-of-the-art email signature maker, you can take your email communications to the next level. By implementing a professional email signature across various email providers, you'll witness the transformative power it has on your marketing efforts, helping you achieve significant results.

Here are a few things that our email signature examples have achieved:

How to Use Artlogo's Free Email Signature Generator: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a professional signature with Artlogo EmailSign is easy and free! Get yourself a beautiful, rich email signature in two to five minutes that will help you make your mark with any email client. The first step is to go to Artlogo EmailSign free email signature maker. Then, follow these steps to create one that will look good on any email platform:

Step 1: Head to the Templates Tab.

Choose from a variety of professional email signature templates. Feel free to browse our examples page to find inspiration for the customized email signature you're going to create.

Step 2: Go to the Details Tab.

Add your professional details and the photo that you want to be associated with your email signature.

Step 3: Use the Images Tab.

Choose and upload a photo or a signature that you want to be associated with your email signature.

Step 4: Click on the Social Tab.

Here, you can add links and social media icons that will help your major email clients learn more about what you offer and what you represent.

Step 5: Use the Design Tab.

This is where the magic happens. Design your very own custom signature to match your brand or your personal style. If you have a company logo for a personal brand, make sure that your output complements it.

Congratulations! You finally have a personal email signature and a complete signature block to go with every email that you send. All that's left to do is connect your new email signature to your email provider. With just one click, your signature will automatically appear in every email you send.

Step 1: Head to the Templates Tab.

Choose from a variety of professional email signature templates. Feel free to browse our examples page to find inspiration for the customized email signature you're going to create.

Step 2: Go to the Details Tab.

Add your professional details and the photo that you want to be associated with your email signature.

Step 3: Use the Images Tab.

Choose and upload a photo or a signature that you want to be associated with your email signature.

Step 4: Click on the Social Tab.

Here, you can add links and social media icons that will help your major email clients learn more about what you offer and what you represent.

Step 5: Use the Design Tab.

This is where the magic happens. Design your very own custom signature to match your brand or your personal style. If you have a company logo for a personal brand, make sure that your output complements it.

Congratulations! You finally have a personal email signature and a complete signature block to go with every email that you send. All that's left to do is connect your new email signature to your email provider. With just one click, your signature will automatically appear in every email you send.

Get a multipurpose signature logo to represent you

Simplify your email signature creation process with Artlogo's email signature maker. Why settle for a single-purpose signature when you can have one that seamlessly adapts to any platform or format? Our signature maker ensures that your signature looks professional and consistent across all platforms, making a lasting impression on recipients.

Share your contact details easily: An email signature provides a quick and professional way to share your contact information in every email you send.

Professionalism: A well-designed email signature adds a professional touch to your communications, reinforcing your professional brand and making your emails stand out.

Efficiency: Including all necessary contact details in your email signature ensures that recipients can easily find your information, streamlining communication and enhancing your professional image.

Consistent and reliable: Recipients of your email can easily access your contact information directly from your signature without needing additional technology.

There are a variety of things you can add to an email signature, but the most essential things to add are the following: 

  • Name and job title - Let people know who you are and what you do. 
  • Website - If you have a website with more information about your business, add it.
  • Contact information - Whether a phone number or email address, add the best way people can contact you. 

Additional, you could add this beneficial information or add-ons: 

  • Call-to-actions buttons.
  • Logo or photo.
  • Social media handles.

You can read more about making email signature here - Professional Email Signature: How To Make a Professional Email Signature.

No, you don't need any special software. Our email signature templates are user-friendly and can be customized using common email clients, such as Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and more. We provide easy-to-follow instructions for implementing your new signature.

Yes, our email signature templates are responsive and work seamlessly on mobile devices. They are designed to adapt to various screen sizes and ensure your signature looks professional and consistent on all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets.

Absolutely. You can create an unlimited number of email signatures tailored to different situations. For example, you might have one signature for clients that includes your direct phone number and another that highlights your email and LinkedIn profile. Many Artlogo users choose to have one email signature with their phone number and another without it, allowing them to share the most appropriate signature for each situation. Users can easily select the suitable signature depending on the context of the interaction (for example, How to add multiple signatures to Gmail).

Email us at and we will be happy to respond as soon as possible.

800+ Reviews on Trustpilot

Every person signs a large number of documents, send thousands of emails or active in social media during their lifetime. Artlogo's mission is to create your eye-catching signature that makes You and Your name unqiue and helps you stand out.

What do our clients say about Artlogo