

Quizlet Inc.
Android OS
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Having trouble studying? Maybe traditional methods are not for you. This is the reality for many people today who feel they are not making progress when they sit down to study the way it has always been done. Reading books and gathering information is not very interactive, which can lead to frustration and eventually abandoning the study session.

Fortunately, today there is a range of options to reinvent the act of studying, new interactive and interesting ways allow many people to change their perception of learning. This is where Quizlet comes in, an app launched in 2007 by a high school student who wanted to help many people who, like him, did not find results with traditional methods.

What is this new way of studying?

Quizlet proposes memory games and novel activities to make its users understand and incorporate new topics, concepts, and ideas through lessons found in the app, and through the possibility of creating their own tests. The app features courses, books and verified lessons on topics found in school programs around the world that can be accessed at any time.

Those who are willing to try this app will soon see all the different subjects covered by the app, from well-known courses such as language or mathematics, to tools for studying sports or computer skills. 

Normally it is believed that this app works only for children in primary or secondary school, but within the contents we can also find more complex subjects such as sociology, engineering, or more artistic inclinations such as film or visual arts.

The app has a test mode that converts flashcards and practice material into evaluations that let you know how advanced you are, making it easy to document your progress. This can be accompanied by the study routines function, a tool that keeps track of the practice sessions completed, rewarding the user for maintaining constancy in the study: it also works very well as a motivator to keep you hooked.

Let's talk about features!

Among all the apps dedicated to helping you study; Quizlet shines the most thanks to its arsenal of study methods and innovative features that allow each user's experience to be unique.

  • Variety of methods: in Quizlet we can find alternatives such as flashcards, written or multiple-choice questions, association games or games to combine related answers. This comprehensive selection tests users and prepares them for real-life situations.
  • Study on the go: the app allows lessons or material to be downloaded and accessed offline at any time.
  • Learn languages: Quizlet also provides flashcards for learning languages such as French, Spanish or Latin.
  • Textbook solutions: thanks to its extensive library, Quizlet provides the answers to thousands of recognized textbooks, written by professionals in the field, and then checked to ensure their correctness.

Quizlet is not only for learning, but also for teaching!

The app has a section dedicated to teaching, as a tool for teachers, dedicated to making classes more fun. This mode facilitates the task of creating content for classes, with approved materials. In addition, it has the same tools for creating worksheets previously mentioned, for classes with specific topics.

It also has statistics to see what topics and lessons need to be emphasized. If this all seems like a lot of information, the app has a guide available to help teachers incorporate Quizlet into their classes.

An opinion from experience

I've personally also used Quizlet to help me study and pass exams at different points in my life, so I think it's a useful and fun tool to speed up the learning process for anyone willing to give it a try.



  • Changes the negative mindset about studying.
  • Can be used offline.
  • Interface is simple and easy to use.
  • Many courses and answers are paid.
  • Not ideal for more advanced concepts.


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Frequently asked questions

Can I study my own material in Quizlet?

Yes, the option to create study worksheets does exactly that.

Can I share my study material?

Yes, Quizlet allows its users to publish their worksheets without any problem.

Is the app secure?

It is usually considered safe, but users should be cautious about the personal information they disclose within the app, especially when it is used by children.


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