Drive Engagement Even When You Don't Have Time

Automation finds the broken moments of the EX you had no idea existed

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Automate your surveys

Never set reminders for yourself again. Focus your energy on analyzing employee feedback rather than the administrative side of building, deploying, reminding, and closing a survey. Playful nudges help drive participation so you don't have to!

Ask the right questions

Our templates and question library make it easy to build the right survey that reveals the peaks and pitfalls of what it’s like to work at your company. Asking the right questions helps put a laser focus on which areas of your employee experience to optimize.

Make a bigger, data-driven impact

A real-time dashboard makes it easy to report on and find patterns in the data. Prioritize new initiatives with confidence as you map your workload to areas of the employee journey that need your attention. No more guesswork trying to solve for engagement—the answers are all with your people!

Drive retention

A feedback culture is when employees feel safe and welcome to express their opinions. Creating a feedback culture helps drive engagement and makes employees feel valued at your company which significantly affects employee morale, retention rates.

Target specific groups

Customize your survey audience to focus on a group of people like new hires, interns, managers, or a specific team. Gather the right feedback from the right audience at every stage of the employee journey.

Ready to gather meaningful employee feedback?