Bark vs WebWatcher

Compare the Features

Bark vs. WebWatcher
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Block specific sites and apps or choose from 19 categories, including adult content, gaming, and streaming sites — all on any browser
Does not provide the ability to block app or site content on iOS, Android, or web browsers
Create custom screen time schedules
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Set custom rules for school time, bedtime, and free time
Unable to set screen time schedules or create customized categories to fit your family’s schedule
Location tracking
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Check your child’s location in real time on a map

Receive location alerts when child arrives or leaves pre-set locations

Get your child’s exact location with check-ins
GPS location tracking only
Content monitoring
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Scans online activities like texts, emails, and social media platforms for concerning content
Parents can see everything a child does on their phone
Alerts for potential dangers
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Get email/text notifications for issues like cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, online predators, depression, and multiple other categories
Alerts are only sent for 6 categories of content
Add unlimited devices and kids
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Just $99/year for unlimited kids and devices for content monitoring, screen time, web filtering, and location sharing
$129.95/year for a single device

$39.95/year for Chromebooks

With Bark, you can:

Monitor content

Manage screen time

Block websites

Track location

Our Products & Prices

Save up to 42%

Bark Jr

Our entry-level product is perfect for younger kids.

$ 5 USD /month
$ 49 USD /year with annual plan
  • Manage screen time
  • Filter which websites your kids can visit
  • Keep up with kids with location alerts and check-ins
  • Monitor texts, email, YouTube, and 30+ apps and platforms
  • Get alerts for issues like cyberbullying, online predators, suicidal ideation, and more


How does Bark work?

Content Monitoring

Bark uses advanced machine learning and statistical analysis techniques to recognize potential problems. Simple keyword searches are not enough to detect the majority of issues, which is why our parental control app uses contextual analysis and natural language processing to determine when something serious might be happening.

For example, Bark knows the difference between a kid saying “This homework makes me wanna kill myself,” versus “Nobody cares about me!! I wanna kill myself.” Our algorithm also keeps up with the latest in teen slang.

Screen Time Management and Website Blocking

Families can manage not only when their kids can access the internet on their devices, but also which sites and apps they can visit.

You can create custom profiles for each child in your house, create screen time schedules, and manage access to a wide variety of websites — including video streaming, gaming, adult content, and more.

How do I get started with Bark?

To get started, simply visit our sign-up page or download our app for parents (iOSAndroid). From there, you’ll be able to select the product (Bark Premium or Bark Jr) that’s right for your family and get step-by-step instructions.

If you’re interested in the Bark Phone, learn more about it and choose the plan that’s right for your family and place your order. 

As for the Bark Home, you can order one here.

How does Bark's phone monitoring app for parents compare with others?

Bark's phone monitoring app for parents not only provides comprehensive coverage for all the top apps and devices, but also takes the crucial extra step of helping families navigate the issues raised by alerts.

Here's a complete list of absolutely everything Bark monitors on every device.

Bark vs. Canopy

Ready to get started?

Bark was created by parents, for parents, to offer a better, easier, and more effective way to help families create healthy digital habits.